Top 5 Niches on eBay Home & Garden

Top 5 Niches on eBay Home & Garden

Scarcity Manager offers an eBay Best Seller Research Function on its Gold, Platinum, and Platinum Plus Platforms. This comes as an add-on with any of the above three platforms. We have designed this feature with drop shippers and importers in mind. If you are stumped with what niches to focus on for your eBay business, this video is a live walk-through of 5 top niches in the Home and Garden category for October 2023.

Let us show you how easy it is to use our eBay Best Seller Research Feature to find some hot-selling niches for your eBay business. We won’t just show you the eBay listings, we will drill into the purchase history and calculate how many units they are selling over the period eBay is giving us. Which is usually on average the last 90 to 100 days.

Transcribe of Top 5 Niches on eBay Home & Garden

So this video, we are talking ⁣all about five top niches on eBay in their home and garden category and it is for October, 2023. Let’s get started. For this niche, we are ⁣going to look at clocks. So clocks is under home and garden here. Let’s type clocks in here. Okay. Now as you can see clocks cl come up in many categories baby business collectibles,⁣et cetera, et cetera. We are looking at home⁣ and garden for this video.

So we have category home and garden a subcategory under that of home decor and then another child category clock. So category number is 2 5 8 0 3 1. We’re going to click on that. Okay. Now, Casey manager is ⁣going to bring in the data from eBay on what are ⁣the top-selling items under this category of clocks. Okay? So it’d just be patient while it brings in the data,⁣there’s a lot of information so it can take a little bit of time.

Okay, so now as you can see⁣we have the category clocks. The country we’re choosing for this demonstration is Australia and we have some results here. So as you can see, we have⁣ the number of items sold. It is sorting, defaulting ⁣from highest, so lowest. So you can look at any of these ⁣and scroll to the next page. There’s more here For this demonstration we are picking this clock right here.

So digital home, large, big jumbo, L e d wall desk clock with calendar temperature. It is sold 1,869 times in the ⁣life of the listing for 27 99. So let’s go ahead and click on the item id and that’s⁣a hyperlink that will take you through to the eBay listing. Now you can see here ⁣it is sold 1,869 times. Now it has sold, this will fluctuate. It says right now it’s sold⁣ three in the last 24 hours. So this is a hot seller.

When I first started researching this it had actually sold⁣ seven in the last 24 hours then it dropped to two,⁣now it’s gone up to three. So it, you know, it’s jumping around. However, the end result is ⁣that it is a hot seller. So let’s have a look at⁣ the purchase history. So we go and click on this here. Now we can see the recent ⁣purchases being displayed by eBay is running from the 5th⁣of October all the way down.

Scrolling, scrolling to the 9th of July. So that is a period of 88 days. So they’ve sold 120 of⁣ these in the last 88 days. So you can see as well, if you go through you can see some they’ve⁣ sold as a special offer. The arrest is at 27 99. So that’s a great item to⁣ look at in the niche category of clocks. Now you’re free of course ⁣to go ahead and look at any of the other items that⁣ might be of interest of you and see what else little⁣ gems might be there.

This one we just wanted to point⁣ out this particular listing here. Okay, let’s go and look⁣ at the next category or niche. For this niche. We’re going to be looking at hand⁣ tools under harm and garden. I type hand tools in there⁣ and here we have it here. Click on that and we’ll wait while I bring in the search results from eBay. Okay, so you can see we’ve⁣got the category hand holds has come up. Okay, on the first page, the⁣ first one we’re going to look at these ones aren’t sewing for very much.

So we’re going to have a⁣look at this five-and-one multifunction gauge stud finder⁣ selling 6,799 in the life of the listing. 4 49 99. So we’ll click on that item ID to have a⁣look at the eBay listing Here. We can see the amount sold. I’m going to click on that. Okay, so we’re going to have a⁣ look at their purchase history. We can see it’s going from the 1st of October and it is ⁣remaining steady at 49 99. They’re not running any sales ⁣and it’s selling steadily.

So we are getting data all the⁣ way back to the 8th of June. So that is 115 days and they have sold 86⁣ in the last 115 days. So that’s a good steady seller. Okay, let’s have a look. The second example and it’s worth noting there⁣is $3 postage on that. Okay? So for the second example we’re going to look on the next page which I often find there are ⁣actually really good results on the second page as well.

So we’re going to look at this⁣ socket ranch Spanish set. It says they’ve sold 2,516 in the life of the⁣listing for 99 point 99. It’s basically a hundred dollars. So let’s click on the item id. This happens to be the same eBay seller. So this seems to be, this ⁣seem to be specializing in tools again through ⁣all postage that needs to be taken into account and this ⁣is also a good steady seller.

So let’s have a look, look off of that. Let’s have a look at⁣their cell history here. Okay, so the recent purchases ⁣are from the 5th of October. Yeah Again, selling nice and steady. And besides one special offer,⁣they’ve actually used to sell it for a higher⁣price and to begin with. And then they’ve been selling it steadily at a hundred dollars ever since.

So their sales history is⁣from 15th of June to the 5th of October. That’s 112 days and ⁣they’ve sold 102 of those. So that is an even better seller than the stud finder, however it is Slightly bigger item. Okay? So those are two examples of items in the hand tools niche ⁣that could be helpful and you’re welcome to⁣take a look at the others.

Okay, for this niche, we are⁣ going to be doing fireplaces in the home and garden category fireplace. Okay, so we have that one⁣ here, we’re going to click on that wait while it brings up the data for us. Okay, so as you can see we’ve got category or niche fireplaces. We’re doing Australia. Okay, so on the first page⁣ we are actually going to look at the very top one⁣and the third one down.

So let’s click on that. You can see it’s sold 852 times in the life of the listing for 64 93. And let’s go look, go ahead and ⁣look at their sales history. Okay, so the date range for this one is the 27th of ⁣June to the 6th of October. As you can see scrolling through they’ve got consistent sales. Now they do raise and ⁣lower the price, however they’ve sold it for quite⁣high as much as 98 91. I sold it for, yeah, 84 90.

So it jumps around a bit but if you average it out, it’s doing it’s got a, you know, good⁣ consistent sell price. So if you see here at the 27th of June all the way up⁣to the 6th of October so that is 101 days and they’ve⁣sold a hundred, so nearly nearly one a day, that’s pretty good. So that’s a good item. Might be a little more seasonal, but on these fire pit especially⁣ portable is a very popular item for campers and that kind of thing.

Let’s look at this third one here. So it has sold 484 times in the ⁣life of the listing for $99. So this one is a cast iron barrel stove. Again, another little setup for camping or something like that. So we will click on⁣their cell history here. Okay, now this one’s done even better. So it’s range being show to us by eBay is the 27th of September ⁣is the last sale they had and it goes back to 3rd of June.

So if you have a look at the⁣sales, it is consistently $99 and they’re even sold at⁣one stage, 10 in one sale. So they have sold and this is a span of 116 ⁣days, they’ve sold 120. So that’s more than one a day. So that’s another great⁣ niche that you might not have thought of is fireplaces. Okay, for this niche under the⁣ category of home and garden we’re going to take a look at candles.

So we type candles in. You can see home and ⁣garden coming up here. And we are going to click on⁣this subcategory of candles. So now we wait whilst ⁣Gassi manager imports this information directly from eBay. It’s going to take a little while. Please be patient. Okay, now we have our results. So as you can see, we’ve⁣got candles in the category.

We’re looking at⁣ Australia, of course there might be other countries⁣ represented here depending on if that seller is also ⁣selling in Australia. So here on the first page, ⁣we’ve got number of items sold starting with the highest tapering down and how much it’s sold for. So some of these aren’t⁣ selling for very much at all. The example that we are going to look at is actually on the next page. I do encourage you to have a⁣ look at the next page of items.

This one here we’re going to ⁣use for our example. Okay, so it’s 60 times L E⁣d T light, T light candle flameless, wedding⁣ decoration, battery included sold 3,601 times over the ⁣life of the listing for 27 95. So let’s click the item ⁣ID, it takes us straight to eBay listing again,⁣we can see how many has have sold in total for ⁣the life of this listing. And then at the top, you ⁣can also see this is a hot seller it sold to⁣in the last 24 hours.

Let’s click on the sale history. Okay, so we can see the date⁣range being presented to us by eBay is 4th of October ⁣through to all the way To the 19 th of August. So that is actually a range of 46 days. And if we have a look at the prices here they have sold some on special offer. However, the price has⁣consistently remained at 27 95. So that’s 117 sold in the last 46 days.

So that’s a pretty good seller. So that’s in the category of ⁣candles on the second page. So I’m going to have a look around what else that there is there, but⁣ that is just one that we would wanted to point out for ⁣the niche candles in the home and garden section. Okay, let’s take a look at the next one. As promised for the last⁣ category, we’re going to show you how to reverse engineer something ⁣from an eBay listing so that you can find the category it’s in.

Then look that category up in⁣our eBay best seller research feature to see what other⁣ items might be selling well in that category. So let’s have a look. We’ve typed in a robotic ⁣vacuum cleaner here. I’m going to scroll down and this⁣is the one we’re going to use for example. Okay, so if you hover⁣over the categories here why not be visible on this video? Hover in the bottom left⁣ of your screen, gray bar will appear with the URL for⁣ eBay and it will give you the category number that⁣belongs to that category.

For instance, for instance, if we hover over home appliances,⁣it says 2117 slash bn. That’s a category number,⁣ hover over the vacuum cleaner as it says 2 6 14. So bearing that mind, we go back To our research feature and ⁣type in 2 0 6 1 14, enter Made a mistake to the,⁣okay, now we have back in cleaners has come up⁣that we click on that. Okay, so here’s our results.

So we’ve got the ⁣categories, vacuum cleaners the country is Australia. Do bear in mind the results ⁣that you will find here. If another seller from ⁣another country is choosing to advertise in another country⁣ and they’re selling really well, their listings will⁣ appear in here as well. So that is why if you have⁣ selected a certain country another seller from a⁣ different country might appear this tends to happen⁣more for smaller items.

Okay, so here we have Items that are selling well in this category under vacuum cleaners. So there’s two we’re going to⁣look at for this example and they’re both the My Genie⁣robotic vacuum cleaners. So the first one we’re going to click on here is has sold ⁣1,195 times for 249 95. Now bear in mind, this is ⁣the life of the listing. So here it tells you how many have sold and there’s their SU price.

Currently, of course they could have been ⁣running a sale on this item. So if you click here on⁣the number of items sold it will open up the item purchase history. So this particular example⁣is the sale history. The purchase history is⁣from the 1st of October. If you scroll through to the 2nd of June and you can see here that they⁣have run a sale on this item they’ve dropped it to 19⁣9 95, put it back up again dropped it down again,⁣and put it back up again.

So this particular ⁣listing has sold 45 times over the last 121 days. It’s always a good idea to check out the purchase history to see if the sales have been consistently at that price or if they’ve run a sale. Sometimes things to ⁣bear in mind is sellers having a holiday that could⁣ also affect their results. So that’s that one, which⁣is a pretty good seller. However, the one we are interested ⁣in looking at is actually on the next page. So, okay, it’s another My⁣Genie, robotic vacuum cleaner.

This one sold 621 times ⁣in the life of the listing and it’s sold for 219 95. Also, bear in mind that it might ⁣be a newer listing than some of the previous ones. So some of these items⁣ that are appearing further down the list might not be, you know about an opportunity compared ⁣to the ones higher up. So if we click on Item ID,⁣this one’s selling for 219 95 and if we have a look ⁣at how many have sold we can see that the date range for purchases is from the⁣ 4th of October down to The 26th of June.

So that is actually a hundred ⁣days and they have sold 103. So they have sold 103⁣ items over the period of a hundred days, which ⁣is averaging at more than one a day, which is pretty good. And if you scroll through and ⁣have a look at the sale price it is consistently remaining at 219 95. So that is, in my opinion,⁣a better product to look at as the price is stable, there’s⁣ no fluctuations in sales and they are selling it consistently as we discussed the ⁣selling at the rate of one a day approximately if you average it out.

So that is our category to⁣look at for vacuum planners and we’ve showed you how⁣to reverse engineer it. And then you can have a⁣look at other ones in here which may be of interest to you. There’s some higher ticket items That might be more meat on the bone but how I might not be⁣ selling as frequently as one a day and other ones ⁣that you might be interested in. So that’s a good example in⁣a niche category of vacuums.

And this particular one we showed you how to reverse engineer it showing it from the eBay⁣listing and working backwards how you can make use of scarcity manager’s hot⁣body research feature to enter the category number in directly into the search field rather than actually looking for⁣the category it self upfront. So hopefully that was helpful and if you want to check out our other videos we will be including⁣ how to actually navigate around our new upgraded eBay⁣ hot product research feature. So we will include that below.

If you want to have a look at the specific video we have to show you exactly HOW to use this feature and navigate around we have a link for that video below.

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eBay Best Sellers Research – How To Find Winning Items To Sell – 2022

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